Continue In His Goodness 10/12/16 published


This book would be helpful how to continue in His goodness. Our salvation is given 100% from God upon our faith in Jesus. There are a lot of blessings or benefits such as the salvation, eternal life, joint heirs of the Kingdom of God, the adopted children of God, Joy, Peace, Love, and so on. Also, it cost Jesus’ life for our sins (Philippians 2:5-8). Upon the grace, we may see the severity of sins, do repentance, convict Jesus’ death, have our daily life’s motive to love mostly God who gave Jesus for our sins, become the disciples of Jesus, live Christ-like daily life, Spirit LedTM life, and so on. However, “Cheap Grace” is not that grace. We could understand the cheap grace as the grace just for benefits without severe considering the donor’s cost or without the motive to love God more than any others, living still after flesh. How can we continue in His goodness? Paperback


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